Sunday, April 22, 2012

Time to Focus on the Positive

Week 13
Planned: 11:20 total hours (1:30 swim, 6:35 bike, 3:15 run)
Completed: 11:16 hours (1:31 swim, 6:30 bike, 0:00 run, 3:15 crosstrain)

So my foot is not better yet. I tried runnng on Thursday - made it about ten steps and then stopped. Wasn't the sharp, white hot pain but it was definitely not better and I didn't want to risk it. I've got another appointment with the ortho on Tuesday, and I've pretty much resigned myself to the likelihood that I won't run again until T minus 3 weeks, I'm guessing that I'll barely be at 5 miles running before race day. I'm also committed to doing the race, and gutting it out no matter the circumstances. So given that, it's time to stop whining and focus on the positive.

In that light, this was a good week. Friday a group of us went out on a long (just shy of 3.5 hours and 60 mile) ride and that was fantastic. Best part was that my new bike seat was about as comfortable as you can expect a saddle to be, and that just made my day. I do think my bike fit needs to be tweaked, since my neck and shoulders were just killing me by the end. But the ride was great, my legs felt strong, and I could've kept going, which is huge.

Another great thing is that I found an elliptical that actually does a reasonable job of mimicking a run. My Thursday workout was so hard that I had to pull back on the intervals! And my “long run” on Saturday was tough to get through. This makes me really, really hopeful that I'll be able to hold onto something resembling running fitness, and that I'll get thru the half somehow, even though it won't be pretty.

All that said, Tuesday will be interesting. I'm prepared for the worst (I hope?) but hoping there's a chance for good news. Actually, I don't think there will be good news - I'm honestly just hoping the bad news isn't any worse than what I'm anticipating.