Sunday, April 29, 2012

All I Can Think Is That I'm Tired

Week 14
Planned: 11:10 total hours (1:30 swim, 5:25 bike, 1:45 run, 2:30 brick)
Completed: 11:12 hours (1:35 swim, 5:27 bike, 0:00 run, 1:45 crosstrain, 2:25 pseudo-brick)

All I know right now is that I'm tired. Second of three 11+ hour weeks. If I can make it 7 more days then I get a rest week - although I realize it may be a few days into the rest week before I even feel that in my legs. And I think if I can make it to the rest week I'll be ok. There's one monster week after that, but it's just one - not three in a row - and then it backs off a bit and then, then I hit the fantastic 10 day taper. It's in sight, which is actually crazy and terrifying and great all at the same time.

As for my foot - it's better, but it's not better. I'm hoping - maybe too optimistically - that I'll be able to start running again in a week. That would actually give me five full weeks of running pre-race. A chance to log a 9 mile run a week+ before race day. That would be huge. It would give me a lot of confidence both in my fitness level, in having not lost too much during my mind-numbingly boring hours on the elliptical, and in my foot holding up on race day. I really don't want to have to walk because my foot hurts. I'm willing to gut it out through some pain, my ortho PA said I can come back if I totally mess it up doing the race - she knows I'd do that over a DNF - but there's a point at which I can't even do that, and I don't want to get there. Not because of what it means for post-race, just because I want to run the run. Slowly, painfully, run it.

So: T minus nine days to see if I've got a five week lead versus four or three. I'll do it with none at all if I have to, I just would really rather have five weeks.